We are officially a not for profit corporation- Parenthood for Me, Inc.
Our papers are being filed for our 501 c(3) tax exempt status; this will allow donors the potential ability to write-off their donations. It also saves us money on certain things, for example a bulk mailing account.
Please visit our website and look for the “donation” button. It will be arriving soon. At first the donations will be by check only but shortly thereafter we will have a PayPal account.
Our first Board of Directors meeting will be held January, 22. We will be discussing marketing and fundraising.
I am looking for ideas for a silent auction. The value of the donation should be at least $100.00. I know many of you live far away, but if you have any connections or ideas for a great donation, I would love to hear them.
Some examples would be:
1. A night for two somewhere (a B&B in the within four hours of NY?)
2. Signed sports memorablia (do you know a pro?)
3. Books or CD’s signed by the author or musician (preferably someone well known)
4. Antiques
5. Artwork
6. Tickets to a sporting event or show
I am unable to support financially, but would be more than willing to send you $150-$200 worth of Mary Kay for your auction…if that is the type of thing you might want.
As someone who understand that hurt of having money being the only thing standing between more children by adoption…I would love to help you in any way I can to help others in my shoes!