Misinformation on Endometriosis

Please visit Jeannes Endo Blog for a very informative post about endometriosis. She is attempting to clear up false information circulating in the press about first and foremost
a cure for endometriosis.
Easily put- there is no cure for endometriosis. Read the post for all the details and facts, very informative and eye opening, and I have endo.

2 thoughts on “Misinformation on Endometriosis

  1. Thank you so much for posting this!!

    I just added your logo/link in my blog’s sidebar and came over here to let you know. That’s when I discovered this post! 🙂

    Your support is greatly appreciated. I heard your fundraiser was a smashing success (via my friend Alicia – aka Yaya).

    I know I owe you a comment about that piece you wrote that I’ll call the “tricycle story”. I haven’t forgotten. With all of the commotion going on with the endometriosis situation, I haven’t yet had the time to re-read your “tricycle story”.

    So, please bear with me. I’m not normally so slow. It just isn’t something I can shoot off a quick note on. I need to take the time to really take a look at it and give you a proper answer.

    So I guess we are thinking about each other at the same time. 🙂

    Have a wonderful day!!


  2. Thank you for posting this. It’s irritating that false information is being spread. Even many women still believe that a hysterectomy is the end all cure for endo, which it is not. I wish that doctors would get their facts straight.

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