Random Funny:
A friend of mine who happens to be 8 did something that really cracked me up. I have been laughing about it for weeks. There are buddies in his neighborhood that have a pool. My friend does not have a pool. So, when it is a hot summer day he has been known to say things to them like,”I’m soooooo hot. Are you hot? Man, it’s hot today.” Hint, hint, hint. I think it’s hilarious. I remember doing that as a kid trying to get an invite to the pool.
I decided to pull this move on my friend who has a boat and an inground pool. Just for kicks I called her and said, “Man, am I hot sittin’ here in my house. Are you sweating like a pig too? I wish I knew someone who has a boat and a pool!” Hah!
Random: My dog, Lucy
She can run 30 mph. Yes, you read that correctly. Not 3 but 3-0. She got away last Saturday night while we were having a relaxing evening around the fire. DH found her running down our busy street. He was behind her in the car going 30 and she was 10 yards ahead of him. Thankfully our baby came home safely that night.
Random: How I try to live green
1. Save big Zip.loc bags if there wasn’t icky items in them.
2. Recycle all garbage we can
3. Use the hip bags to bring with you to the store so you don’t use plastic bags.
4. Donate items
5. Keep the heat down and turn off lights.
Random: Tid bits about clothing and accessories:
I have had these socks from Gap since 1992. There is no wear on the bottom and NO holes. WOW!
I hardly ever pay full price for clothing. I go to Mar.shall’s to get “brand names for less.” I shop at Old.Navy for certain items like tanks and PJ’s. My husband is of the mind set that if it costs more, it is of better quality. I only slightly agree. OldN, Gap and Banana are all part of the same company. Yet there are 3 different price points.
I have gotten way more compliments on this shirt that I bought at Tar.get for $12.00
than I have for this shirt that I got from AnnT for $50.00
Random: Ways I try to be frugal
1. Borrow books from the library
2. Buy generic brand groceries
3. Re-use gift bags ( I don’t think I have bought a gift bag in years)
4. Do my own pedicures
5. Cut back on buying coffees. However, the coffee we buy for home ain’t cheap. DH will not drink Sanka if ya know what I mean.
Ways how I totally negate all my frugal attempts. I’m good at trying to save but then completely contradict myself.>
1. Go to Estate sales and buy sh*t I do not need
2. Go to Tar.get and buy sh*t I do not need
3. Eat out too often
4. Buy a new car when I only have one year to pay off my current vehicle
5. Buy things on sale to use for “gifts.” I would say half the time they actually end up in someone else’s house
To add to this train of thought I need to talk about my wedding- 9.12.03. Let me point out that I did not pay for the majority of my wedding. I tried to keep costs down because I felt there were traditional things that I did not want to do or spend money on. I did many things on my own including the programs, place cards, the favors. We did not have a traditional wedding cake. Neither one of us wanted to spend hundreds of dollar on a cake when so many people do not even eat it. I came up with this idea for my center pieces. Killed two birds and the idea has been used for at least 3 other weddings that I know of (patting myself on the back).
The cake served 8 people. We had a very small cake to “cut.” And, everyone ate wedding cake. Our local chain of Grocery Stores (Wegmans.com) which are way better than any other grocery stores you have ever been to made the cakes (Cher was here a couple years back and said she wanted them to open a chain in CA). I think there were 26 cakes total and the cost was $220. I made the little stand with the ribbons and the flowers were provided by a florist. The tables were beautiful.
Now, I should mention that my dress was over $2,000. I did not shop around. I only tried on 3 dresses. When you know, you just know.
My shoes were $200. That was not my fault, though. I wanted to wear open toed shoes from a regular store, but my mother and the woman at the bridal shop insisted it was tacky. However, my purse was only $9.99.
See. I try. That’s what I tell DH anyway.
Happy ICLW!
I love your lists! I always have WAY more recycling then garbage. We only have our garbage picked up every other week because I recycle so much.
Did it work when you called up your friend? I’m going to have to try that ;o)
Loved your lists.
I also eat out to often.. and I kinda sorta bought a new car and took out a loan when I had already paid off my other one.
Oh well, you live and learn right?
You crack me up.
You used a $9.99 purse with a $2000 wedding gown. Perfect!
I absolutely remember giving the swimming hints as a kid to the neighbors. Did we really think we were slick?
I hear ya on the T.arget thing. Cute, cute clothes but I blow my budget every time I walk into the place.
I love the cake/center piece idea.
Your dog is FAST!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
You’re a lot less forward than I. I told a new friend “wow I’m glad we’re friends this summer cause now I can go on your boat! call me!”
i am here from ‘follow me group’ at mbc..to let you know i am following you..
Wonderful lists there!
And I totally agree with you on the price-quality-design thing on clothes!
….Happy ICLW
Great post. I love learning things about one of my favorite bloggers.
Happy ICLW!
I love randomness!
Oh fast dogs. It amazes me how much speed they generate. As long as they return home it is good.
Stopping by for an ICLW visit…
No. 95: The Unfair Struggle (male-factor infertility, good friends, neighborhood rumblings)
Hey Erica,
I’ve had the http://www.iwasamuchbetterparentbeforeihadkids.blogspot.com blog for a few years, but it was under a different name until recently.
Cute lists!
P.S. I’m sending you an email about PFM.