Perfect Moment Monday

This morning after breakfast I left MinMan with my parents for a couple of hours because his caretaker Lena is on vaca.
When I got back my mom was showered and dressed. I asked what she did with MinMan while she was in the shower.
“Oh, your father watched him and it was hilarious.”
“Really? Why?”
MinMan told Papa he had to go poopy on the potty so my dad took off his diaper to set him on his froggy potty and saw that the poopy already came out!
My dad yelled upstairs to my mom, “What do I do?”
Seriously? I can imagine my dad was in a state of panic. He had to change a poopy diaper. Hah! That is my perfect moment. My father who doesn’t like puppies or babies (he’s not that bad) and was reluctant to become a grandfather four years ago had to change a poopy diaper.
Also, when I woke MinMan up from his nap and changed his diaper it was on backwards. LMAO.

On a side note regarding my dad and grandfatherhood when my niece was born nearly 4 years ago, he and my 2 elderly grandmothers and I rode up to the hospital together. As soon as we got off the elevator to see A., my dad took off like lightening leaving the 2 old ladies in his dust to catch up. I think that proves he really was excited to be a grandpa. All bark, no bight.

Check out more Perfect Moments and Lori’s.

13 thoughts on “Perfect Moment Monday

  1. I’m here checking out your Perfect Moment Monday from Lori’s blog.

    That is a great story and I loved the ending of having the diaper on backwards. Too funny!

  2. I friend of mine came to visit and went to change Oscar’s diaper. It’s a Motherease One Size with snaps and she had it on backwards so the snaps wouldn’t line up. She couldn’t figure out what was wrong and finally said in frustration, “This diaper is smarter than me.”

  3. Great story! My worst diaper experience was with a toddler that had eaten A LOT of GRAPES! RED ones. the skins were not digested. I was not an experiencd diaperer and there was a lot of gagging involved! Sorry if TMI!

  4. Oh, that’s just sweet! My Dad’s the same way….never changed a poopy diaper with us girls and won’t do it now! BUT he’s crazy about the grandkids and a big softy with ’em too…that’s a big change! LOL

    Thanks for sharing that laugh!

  5. LOLOL!!! Too cute!

    My FIL deposited my niece in my hands (her mom was not around) and he held the baby’s at an arm’s distance…Niece had pooed/farted and was smelly! I changed her diaper and my FIL was back to hugging and loving….


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