SITS Featured Blogger- Giveaway Winner

The winner of my first giveaway is Julie from Julie’s Scribbles. Check out her great blog!

A big thank you to everyone who visited, commented and participated. It was an amazing experience.

Hello everyone and welcome! I am so excited to be featured today.

This blog is part of my non profit Parenthood for Me. We are a national non profit whose mission is to provide financial and emotional support to those building families through adoption or medical intervention.

My husband and I tried to conceive for 4 years with the help of Reproductive Assisted Technology. We did not have a successful pregnancy. After deciding being parents was more important to us than getting pregnant, we moved on to adoption. Our son came home at 15 months on June 3, 2008. Being adoptive parents has been a thrilling experience.

I blog about infertility, adoption, my life as a parent, and offer guidance and support to those going through infertility and adoption.

There are over 7 million Americans who suffer from the disease of infertility. People go thousands of dollars into debt simply trying to live out the dream of parenthood. Our foundation will be awarding grants in June 2010 to help ease some of the financial burden.

Visit our website for more information.

Today is my first shot at doing a Giveaway. One person will receive a package of notecards from our Artwork for Building Families Project and a Parenthood for Me tshirt.

Here are the rules:
Each comment equals one entry.
Comment one for visiting

Comment two for following
Comment three for posting about my blog and giveaway
Don’t forget to comment!

Here are some samples of the artwork. They are beautiful black and white drawings donated by Jess Klem-

Here is the tshirt. It is available in baby/toddler sizes 12 month-3T and adult S-XL.

If you do not win, these items are available for sale on our website- click here.
If you purchase a tshirt by August 16, 2009 and mention you are from SITS,
you can save $4.00.
All net proceeds go toward the endowment.
Thank you for visiting and help us spread the word!

162 thoughts on “SITS Featured Blogger- Giveaway Winner

  1. Congrats on being featured!

    I think your non profit is amazing! Seriously, such a dear, nobel cause.

    Keep up the GREAT work, my friend!

  2. Happy sits day! what a great blog!! Infertility… what a touchy subject. DH and I will start trying next month! We’re praying things go smoothly, but though blogs like this I realize everything happens for a reason.

    Thank you!

    And cute shirts 🙂 hope I win one!!

  3. I am so glad you were the FB for SITS, you are the best one I’ve run across in a while on there! I’m grabbing your button now for my blog! Keep up the good blogging, the inspirations to others, and your great parenting!

    Becca @ My Perception of Life

  4. Wow, I am so glad you were featured on SITS today. I’ve been having issues with getting pregnant myself, going to doctor soon to find out what’s going on. I will definitely bookmark your blog for support later on, hopefully I won’t need it though. You are an inspiration.

  5. AK says:

    Dropping by from SITS..Its great to know ppl like u who thinks,cares and really does something for others & their problems…Nice to meet u.Takecare.

  6. AK says:

    Hi this is me a third time..Wants to participate in the giveaway and hence…takecare and keep it up.Happy SITS day!!

  7. Infertility is such a huge issue these days, I’m so happy you’ve created an outlet for people to share their experiences as it can often be a difficult topic to discuss with friends and family.


    Keep up the good work!

  8. Happy SITS day!! Congrats on being FB today. You have a great blog and your support in this area is great. Thanks for helping so many couples!

  9. Congrats on becoming a parent! What a wonderful way to dedicate your life…to being a good mom, and toward helping others who face similar struggles.

    Happy SITS day!

  10. I am thrilled to have stopped by today. We are pursuing adoption and I think your site will be a great resource! I also want to pass this onto my friend who is struggling SO DEEPLY with infertility. Have a good SITS day!

  11. Don’t let the spotlight blind you:) Congratulations on your day as featured blogger.

    We experienced secondary infertility. Whether you have one and want another, or don’t have one, but want, it’s a hard road emotionally! We finally found a doctor who successfully diagnosed and treated my issue: endometriosis + antibodies. We are so blessed! I wish a site like this had been available during our challenges!

  12. Congrats on your SITS day!

    What wonderful work you are doing. I’ve never been married so I haven’t been through this, but I’ve had a few close friends that have suffered through infertility, so it is a subject that is close to my heart.

    Keep doing what you’re doing!

  13. I am so happy that you decided to take the adoption route! I feel like that is overlooked so often and it is so important in this world today! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself and congrats on your SITS feature!

  14. Congrats on being saucy!
    What a wonderful organization. Our family is in the process of adopting, and it is an emotional roller coaster. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  15. Happy SITS day. What an AMAZING organization you have. Having suffered through infertility and unexplained losses myself, your cause is near and dear to my heart.

  16. What a great blog (and a great cause). I am a first time visitor from SITS. I was adopted at birth and applaud your efforts to assist families in this area. Love the giveaway too.

  17. Enjoy your SITS day!

    I’m off to read more of your blog-sounds wonderful. I know how much all of this costs but was lucky to have pretty good insurance.

  18. Happy SITS Day to you! It’s great that you offer support to other people. I don’t know what it’s like to have went through something like what you went through but I think it’s fantastic that you adopted. So many kids out their that need loving parents. It’s great that you offer the support.

  19. Congratulations of being featured today, what an honor and great way to spread the word about your cause, many blessings to you! happy sits day! anne

  20. Congratulations on being saucy today. What a worthy and wonderful organization you run. I think it’s great that you can be featured today!

  21. What a sweet gesture! Stopping from SITS to congratulate you for being int he spotlight today! You have just the loveliest blog, and such a sweet heart for adoption… I’m sure you are such a blessing to the many women/couples out there seeking family life after much frustration.

    Blessings today,

  22. Congrats on being FB, Happy SITS Day!! Your blog is great. A wonderful cause. It’s something we never think about until we find ourselves in that situation.

  23. Congrats on your SITS day! What a fun idea to run a giveaway today! I just love the idea behind your non-profit business. It’s such a wonderful cause!

    PS–I simply love the color scheme on your blog!

  24. What a wonderful thing you are doing with your non-profit. I have many friends who have adopted and their lives are full of joy, but the road was tough for them.

    I will share your blog with them.

    Happy SITS Day!

  25. Happy SITS Day! I’m so glad to have found your blog. Infertility hits very close to home, as hubby and I tried for 26 months to get pregnant. We will be celebrating our daughter’s 1st birthday on the 26th of this month.

    Adoption also hit’s close to home, as my oldest daughter’s dad (my ex) was adopted, as was his brother and sister.

    What a wonderful organization you have, and consider yourself followed!

  26. I am so moved by each one of your posts. I have never personally had to face infirtility issues, but I have watched several friends and loved ones go through the heartbreaking cyles and disappointment–and elation–that comes with infirtility and it’s many facets. Thank you for your eloquent reminders and tips. Happy SITS day to you!

  27. Popping over from SITS.

    What a great thing you are doing for couples. Best of luck with your venture!

    Hope you have a great feature day.

  28. Congrats on being the SITS featured blogger today! It made me smile when I saw that this morning!! You are doing a wonderul thing by helping so many families know that they are not alone. Infertility can be so isolating because you feel like no one can possibly understand!

    I’m already a follower!

  29. What an amazing Passion you have:) I am always amazed at people who believe strongly in their passions and go out and do something about it! Congratulations on your day!

    I am absolutely inspired:)

    Ms. Wanda

  30. Wow. What a wonderful mission and a great way to support families.

    I am actually popping over from Jori & Me + 3 and so glad I did. Congrats on being featured on SITS!

  31. Most definitely posting about your website! I love that you have a non-profit organization! Many people don’t realize the financial stress that adoption can be with all of the fees, travel expenses, etc.

  32. What a great blog and a wonderful mission. I hope to adopt myself some day; it is wonderful to know that there are such good support resources out there. Congratulations on being featured!

  33. you are super fun…i like that! saying howdy and congrats to you on your fb day at SITS.

    i’m an adoptive momma too…so i loved finding you! i ill be stopping in more…

  34. Visiting from SITS….My husband and I are struggling with infertility. We’ve been trying for a year and a half. We’re thinking that we will have to start getting some help. My husband has really high Prolactin levels and low Testosterone so we think it has to do with that. The doctor gave him some medicine to regulate and hopefully soon we’ll have a miracle. Anyways. Congratulations. I will definitely have to start following!

  35. Happy SITS featured blog day! What a wonderful reason to blog, by helping people to create a family. Greg and I would love to have a child, but I have “female issues.” I’m open to the idea of adoption and he’s mentioned the same, but it’s expensive and I’ve read stories about adopted children from Russia being abused and Ethiopa the children were stolen from the families! It’s enough to make a person nervous, on top of nerves already.

  36. Congrats on the feature, Already a follower. So glad you are doing so well with Parenthood for Me .Org. I will have to find time to blog about it soon, but not in time for the giveaway.
    Again, thank you so much for all you do to offer assistance to help Match Parents to the children waiting to be loved by them!

  37. Congrats on your feature!

    My husband & I suffered infertility for 7 years before God blessed us with our little miracle baby. Thank you for the work that you do to help others who are suffering!

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