Randomondium 9.25.09

Random and Pandemonium.
What life is really all about.

1) Happy 6-0 to my mom! She looks and acts too young to be 60.

2) Penny for your thoughts? You may have heard of a movement to eliminate the penny because it is not cost effective to produce. Interesting fact:

– the “copper” penny is actually made of 97.5% zinc. Due to the soaring prices of metal, it costs 1.7 cents to produce one penny.

3) Birthday traditions in other countries.

Israel– kids do not simply say happy birthday but offer blessings such as, may you have a year of fun and happiness. Another tradition is the birthday child sits in a chair and adults lift her over their head one time for each year.
Scandinavia– The national flag is hung from a top window of the home alerting all the neighbors of the special day and neighbors stop to offer their congratulations
United Kingdom- Instead of birthday cake a scoop of ice cream is placed over a bowl full of JellO
Australia- The birthday food is much easier than baking a cake. They call it fairy bread. It’s a slide of white bread smeared with buttered and covered in sprinkles.
** Australians call sprinkles “hundreds and thousands.” – I love it!

4) Italian lesson

Fare passegiata- to take a stroll.
Italians often take a walk as a family after a meal to help digest and get exercise.

5) Tid bit

Put a couple of marshmallows in your brown sugar bag. It will help keep it soft.

6) Take my name poll on the right side bar.

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