Happy ICLW everyone!
To get to know more about me read some of my posts listed on the right side bar listed as:
PFM Best Posts.
Also check out my previous post. What do you think?
Here is a Q&A for some details on me:
Q: Favorite food?
A: Bagels
Q: What is something unique about you?
A: I have my motorcycle licence.
Q: Favorite book of the moment?
A: “The Middle Place” by Kelly Corrigan
Q: What do you do to relax?
A: Read and take a nap.
Q: Favorite holiday?
A: Christmas. I love everything about the holiday season.
Q: Dream job?
A: Being a published author and freelance writer
Q: Favorite candy?
A: Toss up between tw.ix and butt.erfinger
Q: Favorite place you’ve visited?
A: Italy. I lived there for a semester in college
Q: Dream vacation destination
A: Ireland
Q: Favorite way to be “green”
A: Recycle. I love dropping off all my magazine to the local library.
Q: Middle Name
A: Catherine- after my paternal grandmother
Q: Talent you wish you had?
A: Singing. I have always loved musicals.
Q: How would you spend an extra $100
A: new shoes, a magazine, coffee from favorite shop
Misc. Tid Bit-
I speak Spanish and Italian. I wanted to be an interpreter.
Happy ICLW! Love the speed dating idea!
I liked your Q&A! Happy ICLW!
The Middle Place is on my list too. Great getting to know you a little better!
Thank you for visiting my blog, and for sharing your experience. Hearing positive outcomes after ectopics gives me so much hope!
I see also you love Italy (I’m Italian!) and that your dream destination is Ireland (I live in Ireland!) so who knows maybe we’ll meet some time! Much love, Fran
great blog!You are gorgeous! Happy SITS share fest Saturday!
Mmm, I love bagels too.
Happy SITs Saturday Sharefest!
Reading/napping, T.wix, musicals…could’ve been MY list! 🙂
Catching up…
Enjoyed your post about “middle age.” I too have found the 30s to be a time for much reflection. Interesting to consider they may be my middle years…wow.
Congrats on your blog success and one year anniversary! It was neat reading all that your organization has acheived in such a short time. Kudos to you! 🙂
Happy ICLW! What an interesting way to post an introduction!
The tree in the post above this one IS gorgeous! We have some beautiful red bushes in my area that I keep meaning to go take pics of, but I keep forgetting to bring the camera when I know I’m going to pass them!
I have a question! What is the signifigance of the periods in the middle of the word? Like “butt.erfinger.” Is it so, if someone were to google “butterfinger,” your blog WOULDN’T come up? That’s what someone told me, but I’m not sure! lol Thanks for cluing me in! I’m obviously oblivious!