Perfect Moment Monday

Check out Lori’s for more Perfect Moments.

Yesterday Min Man and I were chatting about all the things that happen during the Fall. This year he will enjoy Halloween much more so I was trying to get him acquainted with upcoming events. We talked about cider, apple pie, costumes, pumpkins, and candies.

After Min Man went to his room for the night, he was talking for about an hour. It is so cute to listen to a two year old have a conversation with themselves. He basically says all the things that come to mind- stream of consciousness. For him his all motor vehicles, insert name of someone here, insert name of pet here.

But, the cutest thing of all- in the middle talking he blurted out “apple pie.” This must have really made an impression on him because he tried to get up and kept saying “want apple pie.” When he finally fell asleep, he was naming all the people in his life.

This morning the first thing he said after, “Morning Mommy” was ” have apple pie, please?”

12 thoughts on “Perfect Moment Monday

  1. That is so delightful, what a wonderful MinMan. Thank you also for reminding me of when my kids were little and did this too, so sweet. My best to you and your family.

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