2 1/2 years into my infertility journey I had a laparascopy after switching to a new RE. There my doctor found severe endometriosis. This was probably the reason for my ectopic pregnancy during our 2nd IVF. It was a shock to find not 1 but 2 new diagnosis’ after so many attempts with ART (6 iui’s, 2 IVF) at our first clinic. It was one more hurtle for us in our plan to conceive. Endometriosis may be the diagnosis that ultimately ended our medical intervention. It definitely made the odds shrink.
Endometriosis is a chronic condition that affects more than 5.5 million women in the United States and Canada. About 40% of patients with endometriosis will experience some degree of infertility. (Resolve)
Endometriosis is a disorder of the female reproductive system in which endometrial tissue (the normal lining of the uterus) is found outside the uterine cavity. An estimated three to five million American women of reproductive age suffer from endometriosis. This disease is prevalent in women 30-40 years of age, though it can begin in the late teens and early twenties.
About 40% of patients with endometriosis will experience some degree of infertility.
The relationship between endometriosis and infertility is not completely understood. The primary cause of infertility resulting from endometriosis appears to be a blockage caused by scarring and adhesions in the tubes. These adhesions can prevent the egg and sperm from meeting or prevent the fertilized egg from moving down the tube normally (resulting in an ectopic pregnancy).
Another theory is that infertility associated with mild endometriosis is caused by an autoimmune reaction. It is speculated that tissue from the uterus that implants outside the uterus is viewed as a foreign cell by the woman’s body, which then responds with an immune defense reaction.
Another theory is based on the fact that women with endometriosis have more peritoneal fluid and higher prostaglandin levels. The increased prostaglandin production may influence normal tubal function and prevent normal transport of the egg and sperm through the fallopian tube to the uterus.
Other researchers feel that endometriosis can cause a luteal phase defect, which results from low levels of the hormone progesterone or a poor build-up of the uterine lining after ovulation. A luteal phase defect makes it difficult for the fertilized egg to implant.
Some studies report as high as a 36% spontaneous abortion rate in women with endometriosis versus 15% in the normal population.
Other areas being studied are the effect of endometriosis on normal ovarian function and the role of prolactin in endometriosis.
Women with endometriosis often, but not always, have one or more of the following symptoms:
- Dysmenorrhea (painful cramps during menstruation)
- Dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
- Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, including heavy periods or unusual spotting.
- In about 30% of women, there are no symptoms but infertility- I had no symptoms.
Thanks for raising awareness about endometriosis. It’s disease that rarely breaks into mainstream discussions and yet it strikes as young as pre-teen for some girls/young women.
I have endo, it seems like, forever. I wish I had known of these sites, and excision surgery, LONG LONG ago. The CEC is great,
There’s help out there, and some women use natural progesterone (as seen on oprah) to help with pain and to conceive. But excision surgery is best for all the tough stuff
oops, meant, endoexcision.com
also, see, endo101.com
meant to include this – has helped so many women!
check out the surgery section
there are also other docs in SC, PA, etc