Shopping for the Holidays

Please visit Steph in the City for more ideas on holiday shopping and budgeting.

I usually start Christmas shopping in September. I look for deals on items and make an excel spreadsheet to track what I have bought for whom. This allows me to at least try not to go overboard. This year I am being the most conservative ever when it comes to spending money. And, I am especially going for quality not quantity. I have a hard time buying one really nice item for someone.

Remember that Parenthood for Me offers some great items to purchase for gifts, and the net proceeds of your purchase go toward the endowment. Click here.

Buy our signature hairclip. Comment on this blog to purchase a clip. $6.00
Only 8 remaining.

PFM official tshirt.

Slogan says, ” Help make a difference. Help to start a family.”


Sizes- Baby/toddler 6-12 months, 18-24 months, 2T, 3T

Adult- S,M, L, XL

Our bumper sticker – $3.00

Artwork for Building Families Notecards

$12.50 for ten cards and envelopes. Cards are blank inside.

There are black and white images. Here are two examples. There are five images total.

Landscape Art. 5 images total.

Watercolors done by our favorite third graders at The School at Columbia University. 10 images total. Your purchases and donations are a tax write-off.

Consult your tax professional.

Show and Tell- 12.2.09

Even though parenthood seemed like it would never come to be, I Tucked away a few items for our maybe-baby in the attic. I always knew in my heart that I would be a mom; I tried to never lost sight of this. The pain of each disappointing pregnancy test made it hard to remember what my heart was telling me at times. However, after I felt a little better I would soothe myself with the thought that someday, someday there would be a child to raise and love.
As soon as we found out that Min Man would be our son, I was able to release my planning instincts again and think about the nursery and getting the house ready for a baby. Infertility is hell for a person who plans everything. I mean everything. I planned for college as a high school freshman. I plan parties eight months in advance. Whew! I was ready for all my secretly stored baby plans shoved in the back of my brain to be released!
Here are three of the items for our someday-baby. They will always have special meaning to me as they represent a dream come true.

The infamous Willow Series. I am not a big collector of things, but I wanted one to have for myself. I bought this for someone else’s baby shower but decided to stow it away at the last second.

This is from a Gallery in one of my favorite places, Key West. My MIL bought it for my birthday when she asked me what I would like. It reads at the bottom, “Someone to Watch Over Me.”

I love antiquing. My mother and I found these in Ontario, Canada. I asked her to give them to me when we were ready to have our baby. She wrapped them up for Christmas the year we were waiting for Min Man to come home.

Check out the rest of Show and Tell.

Family Building Fundraising Gala and Silent Auction

Parenthood for Me is deep in planning for our

1st annual Family Building Fundraising Gala and Silent Auction
Date: early spring- TBD
Location: Rochester, NY
Cost per ticket: $100. – (over 50% of the ticket cost goes toward the endowment)

Tickets will be for sale on-line soon at If you would like to reserve a spot, please leave a comment.

Sell a table of 10 and receive a discount on total cost.

Even if you live far away and cannot attend, maybe you could help us.

We are looking for silent auction items, value of at least $100.

Ideas include: artwork, jewelry, electronics, cameras, iphone or blackberry, etc.

We are also selling table sponsorships for $250. This will allow a company or individual to advertise and show their support. There will be signage on their table and mention in the Gala pamphlet.

If you can help us with either of these aspects of the event, we would greatly appreciate the support.
PFM’s grant applications will be posted on January 2, 2010. The first grants will be awarded in June 2010. The more money we can raise, the more families we can help create.
*Parenthood for Me, Inc. is a national 501 c(3) tax exampt charity

Together and Equal

When I imagined getting pregnant, I thought of people taking extra care of me, watching out for me because I was carrying a growing child. I thought of all the cute maternity clothes I would buy and how I would get compliments about how beautiful I looked. I have no way of knowing exactly how “cute” I would look, but I know I would have fun putting on my first maternity pants (yea, no buttons) and shirt.

I imagined my husband doting on me, getting out of some house work, and having my mom take me out shopping to buy newborn outfits and booties. We would put the sonogram picture on the fridge and get one of those little kits for imprinting the newborn’s hands and feet.

As I was around more and more pregnant women, unable to get pregnant myself, these images of attention on the mommy-to-be, the coddling became real. I have no idea if pregnant women really like the spotlight they’re under for 10 months, but when you cannot have it, it looks quite appealing.

During the really tough years I just could not force myself to ask a pregnant woman questions about her pregnancy- names, nursery decor, her feelings on being pregnant. I could not stick around for the answers because a lump would form in my throat as soon as I sucked myself into the conversation. I may have seemed cold to some people. To this day I have a hard time holding newborns and young babies. First it does not come naturally to me, but it is also painful to see the brilliance of their being. Their very first days and weeks in this life are miraculous and I am left to wonder what that must feel like as a parent.

As the notion of pregnancy for me faded into a fuzzy image, unreal and unattainable, one of the hardest things was the fact that I would never feel special the way an expectant mother through pregnancy feels. This is before we decided to adopt. This is before I learned the joys of expectancy through adoption.

I dreamed of the day we would surprise everyone with the news of our long awaited pregnancy. I envisioned screeches of joy and being enveloped in suffocating hugs. I saw little wrapped boxes ending up on our doorstep as news of the pregnancy we had waited so long for reached friends and family.

After making the decision to halt medical intervention to conceive all of these dreams piled on top of one another and pushed me into a black hole. The hope I would muster up before each procedure, after each surgery, and each negative pregnancy test ended up deflating like a vacuum sucking the air out of balloon. I had no energy to keep refilling those balloons only to continue to watch them float away.

Infertility levelled the playing field between husband and wife. We were in this pregnancy thing together. After we decided to adopt the steps we needed to take had to be done together. There were no ultrasounds or watching my belly grow, making sure I did not lift heavy things. We signed papers, filled out forms, and figured out financing. My body did not hold any secrets that my husband could not experience. I couldn’t feel the first kick and call him at work.
But I was able to call him when I received the phone call we would be having a boy. We cried over together finally feeling like our dreams would be fulfilled.

Waiting for our son to come off the plane to be together as a family, we stood side by side taking in all the sounds and sights of the bussling airport. Equally we were 2 people ready to enter the realm of parenthood, and even though we were probably thinking different thoughts and feeling different emotions, I am positive we felt extremely happy, a little nervous and love- lots of love.

Experiencing infertility and then adoption forced us to investigate parenthood with a magnifying glass. We each had to deal with big questions about becoming a parent. We had to come to terms with our personal challenges and ultimately come together on those thoughts and feelings.

Waiting for our son to come home allowed my husband and I to feel special together and equally. Together we planned for our new life as parents to a beautiful little boy. We did receive those little boxes and bags with tokens of love inside for us and our son. What I had been imagining all those years may not have looked exactly the same, but the gifts we received through adoption were and are more than I could have ever dreamed.

ICLW Speed Dating III

Welcome all. Thanks for visiting. Take a look around. I am an adoptive mom and founder of the non-profit, Parenthood for Me.

Here are 25 random facts about me in two minutes. If you like what you hear, stick around:

1. I love to drive. We still have a car that is stick shift.

2. My dream vacation right now is to visit Ireland.

3. I am a novice sewer and make aprons, curtains, and pillows

4. I got married at a winery.

5. I speak Italian and Spanish.

6. I have two beautiful nieces.

7. I love bagels and cream cheese.

8. I am very sappy and cry a lot.

9. I laugh a lot at myself. I also think stupid things are very funny. ie: on FB there is page where you can become a fan of Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation. I LMAO at his page- over 25,000 fans!

10. I love visiting Bed and Breakfasts’

11. I have family from Canada and Japan.

12. My husband and I will be celebrating our 10th Christmas together.

13. I love music- all kinds from hip hop to classical

14. Spring and Fall are my favorites seasons

15. I have dark brown hair and green eyes, 5’3″ (I will leave my weight out:)

16. I met my husband in a bar through a mutual friend

17. I like to think of names for future children that are unique but not weird or over the top.

18. My favorite part of Christmas is the music, lights and smells.

19. My favorite childhood movie is Anne of Green Gables. My favorite books are Nancy Drew.

20. Now I read a lot of memoirs

21. I try not to worry about things I have no control over.

22. I love that my husband has a big heart.

23. My house is a 1922 farmhouse. I am an old house lover.

24. I am very close with my family.

25. I enjoy doing laundry but not putting it away.

Oh so grateful

I have many things I want to post about, but am not able to form the words right now. These posts are all serious and reflections on my journey through infertility. I need a break.

We are approaching my absolute favorite time of the year; I was able to go out and do a little shopping this afternoon. I am definitely spending more wisely and trying to stick to a budget.
Min Man is still young enough that we can get by with only a few gifts and let the grandparents spoil him. But, I cannot wait for this holiday season because he will be even more excited about Santa and all the holiday adventures.

I absolutely love giving gifts. It is one of faults, actually. I probably spend too much money and too much time on it, but I love making someone feel special. I have no problem making a shadowbox for someone of their favorite pin or photo. I make photo ornaments that can be displayed all year long. I don’t know if the recipients love them, but I do.

When it comes to children’s gifts, I try very hard to buy something unconventional- whether it be educational, a craft they can make, or a unique toy you cannot find at the big names stores. I do a lot of research on where to buy gifts and have a lot of fun finding unique items.

As we approach Thanksgiving I cannot help but reflect on all of the wonderful things that have happpened to me this year. I am going to try and post about things I am grateful for during the next week. In a time where our world is in crisis, our country in recession, fear of the flu epidemic, there is so much to be grateful for. In fact, if we do not focus on the good things, we wil be overtaken by the bad.

Grateful Goodies:

1) Making wonderful friends

2) Writing and feeling fulfilled by my lifelong hobby and dream

3) My family

4) My health

What are you grateful for?

Perfect Moment Monday

Late in the evening my son says, “I sit with mommy.”

After he squished next to me in my chair, he put his arm around me and said, “C’mon, dear.”

I am in awe of this amazingly cute little boy whose is growing up faster than I can handle.

Check out Weebles for more Perfect Moments.

p.s. PFM is on You can become a “fan.” If you have an account search for Parenthood for

The Worst Beginning of the Beginning

For some reason I have decided to be more candid about my difficult experiences with infertility treatments. Maybe it is due to the amount of time that has passed. Some of my anger has subsided. I need the release. I want to help others by telling my stories.

This post is the beginning for me. A Pinker Shade of Pale is the middle. Unfortunately, I have many other installments. These chronicles are my Back-Dated Syllabus.

My stories are not just of the heartache of failed procedures but what I feel is a severe lack of good health care that led to an anger I have never felt in my life. My inability to conceive stamped a number on my forehead and any chance of personal care simply was not available in a place I was referred to by my entrusted doctor.


I remember running up to my mother’s office at my childhood home, a barely 26 year old newlywed, pointing to my abdomen.

“Mom, there might be a baby in there.” All smiles. She was beaming too as we lingered in the excitement. My mom’s baby might be having a baby.

My period was late but a blood test confirmed that I was not pregnant. My GYN gave me meds to induce my period.

Another month went by and my period did not come. I bought a home pregnancy test- negative. There were tears in my eyes then. Over five years later I look back at that young woman and wish I could have prepared her for the devastating struggle that lay ahead.

“Oh, honey you can cry now, but prepare yourself for buckets of salty tears. Thousand of used tissues, weeks of crying yourself to sleep. Be strong. This is only the beginning.”

Again I took a blood test that came back negative. My doctor called me in for a visit.

“You may not be ovulating. You could have Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome, but you do not seem to have any of the side effects.”

“What are they?” I asked. As she listed them off, I nodded in agreement. Oily skin- check. Acne- check. “Extra” facial hair- check. My symptoms were minimal compared to others but they were there- no refuting them.

“Well, you may need to take a drug to help you ovulate in order to conceive. I may need to refer you to a fertility specialist for this, but you will be fine. You are so young.”

Upon leaving her office I was confused and nervous. Driving home with this new terminology in my head and the thought that I needed help to get pregnant was quite disturbing. Shit, I was used to taking meds for depression. Why wouldn’t I need more help in my life? There sprouted the seed of bitterness that would eventually explode into an uncontrollable, weed and grub infested garden of shame, anger, sadness, and disappointment.

The doctor said there were a few things that should be done right away- further testing.

She mentioned a “dye test” which is of coarse, the HSG or hysterosalpingogram.

“We should check to make sure your tubes are not blocked before moivng onto Chlo.mid or any other drug to help you ovulate. We will set it up for 3 weeks from now.”

The check-up appointment before the HSG procedure was done by another doctor covering for my GYN. Lost in translation were good, clear instructions on what was going to occur during the exam. I was told the date and where to be and that was it.

I remember thinking it was weird that I was to meet my doctor at the hospital instead of her office. At that time I had no experience being in a hospital for any sort of procedure. I was the person that passed out when giving blood.

After checking in with the secretary, I was informed to go to the locker room, take off all my clothes and put on a hospital gown and wait in a separate area for the doctor to come and get me. I sat on a cold plastic chair, the paper thin gown barely covering by backside and legs; a few people came in and out of the room. I waited for about 25 minutes, and with the passing of every minute I became all the more nervous. My stomach began to turn and I felt sweaty. The discomfort of being practically naked in a stark, freezing room all alone, and the fear of the unknown made me want to leave.

My doctor popped her head in the waiting room and brought me to a room with an x-ray machine and a bed with the dreaded stirrups.

“Did you take any ibuprofen before coming here?”

“No. No one told me I should.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Let me see if I can get you some.”

Turns out she was not allowed to give me anything because there was no prescription for the drugs. She went on to explain that there would be some cramping and pressure. Being naive and equating the feeling to a pap smear, I thought I knew what pain to expect, and so we continued on with the test.

A nurse came in the room to help with the procedure. She became the one holding my hands as I screamed in pain. I had never felt pain like that before. My body was writhing in agony and the first x-ray did not work. The doctor told me to lay on my side to get a better picture and the tears were pouring out of my eyes. The screams of pain came from deep inside; I could not have controlled it if I tried. I was squeezing the nurses hand and she was rubbing my forehead saying it will be over soon.

Finally the pain ceased. I lay there with bloodshot eyes, no energy, a shell of the person who walked in the room 15 minutes prior.

I left the room, knees shaking and slowly walked to the locker room to dress myself. I was in a daze. I drove home alone. I cried all the way back to work.

After an hour I felt somewhat normal. It was over. The results came in that everything was fine with my tubes. This led me to believe that things were going to be okay. This was to be the only “good news” I would receive during four years of ART.

At this point my GYN shipped me off to the fertility clinic. Explaining that she would see me when I got pregnant, I believed her.

She would never see me again.

She would only hear from me again through a carefully composed letter. One I hoped she would read over and over and over.