The idea for Parenthood for Me was “conceived” in October of 2008. We became an official not for profit corporation in January, 2009. In November I started handing out business cards saying I was starting a non profit. I had no idea where to begin; I just knew that I needed to do this. My husband and I wanted to do something to make a difference. So many wonderful things have happened in the past six months. Becoming a part of the ALI community has opened up my world and the people that read this blog have played such an intricate part in the rapid growth of Parenthood for Me. We are slowly working our way towards being able to offer grant money to people in need. The first grants will be awarded in spring of 2010. It is frustrating that we cannot help people out financially sooner, but a grassroots charity takes time to build up. In the meantime I hope that people have found comfort and solace in reading our story and finding resources to deal with the hardship of infertility. I hope that our story of adoption touches people in the way we were touched when we found adoptive parents.
Today is a big day for Parenthood for Me and for myself personally. I have put my heart and soul into this non profit and my blogging and it seems to be paying off.
I received my copy of this month’s Adoptive Families Magazine and Parenthood for Me is listed in one of their articles for helping with the cost of adoption or ART. We made it into a national publication, and I am so happy to have the exposure. Hopefully we will see an increase in our supporters and potential donors. And, hopefully we will find families that we can help.
Stop by Show and Tell at Mel’s