Starting a non-profit begins with a passion to help people. My personal experience with infertility and adoption give me the passion needed to help see this through. A vital factor in any non-profits success is its donors. Can I find people and organizations that believe in this cause as much as I do? I believe so.
Adoption and infertility touch everyone’s lives in some way, even if it is far removed. Maybe your cousin’s wife was adopted or your neighbors daughter underwent IVF successfully. It is important for the public to understand that not everyone can have a family in the “normal” way. Conception and fertility are very difficult for many Americans. Roughly 4 million Americans are going through infertility at this time. Infertility is defined by a couple trying to conceive naturally for at least a year without success (and this can include miscarriage). That is a lot of our fellow Americans.
Adoption often times goes along with infertility. Couples who cannot have biological children, but want to be parents decide to adopt. But, the financial cost is daunting. There is a federal tax credit for adopting, but often times couples need to come up with the money first and then wait for the tax credit (which is about $11,500). And, adoptions for infants, domestic or international often cost at least $20,000.
Many states have limited insurance coverage for infertility treatments. Those couples who need to undergo more extensive procedures are often stopped by the financial burden. It doesn’t seem fair. Infertility is a medical condition. It shouldn’t stop people from being able to go through the medical community in order to conceive a child.
I am seeking to find out the public’s opinion on a cause such as this.
Would you be willing to make a taxable donation to this non-profit? Would you consider paying $150.00 a plate for a kick-off fundraiser to raise capital to get the non-profit going? Money is the underlying necesity to allow non-profits to help their cause.
Success to me means being able to offer grants to people who need financial help to have a family. Success to me means offering social support to individuals and couples going through the difficult experience of infertility and adoption.
To hear about my personal story visit my blog: